How Custom Hospital Software will Shape the Future of Hospital Care

Blog / How Custom Hospital Software will Shape the Future of Hospital Care

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    Sheraz Sarwar
    Sheraz SarwarJanuary 17, 2022

    I ensure that our clients & developers are happy as we build exciting products.

    Technology innovations are being made in every industry and impacting every aspect of our lives. We rely on new developments to improve our quality of life. The healthcare sector is no different. Particularly, we've seen a massive boom in custom hospital software deployments over the last 5 years.

    Over this time, healthcare sectors in different countries have gradually moved towards an entirely electronic system. This has taken place to varying degrees. However, most first-world countries operate an entirely electronic healthcare system. 

    Unfortunately, despite this, many hospitals are still overwhelmed. However, the demand for quality healthcare has increased. At the same time, the COVID pandemic has stretched these systems even more. 

    New hospital software systems can help to keep facilities on track during their day to day running. However, different facilities have different requirements. This is where custom hospital software can help.

    How Healthcare Software is being used?

    Hospital software is implemented to support the everyday running of hospital facilities. This might include helping with administrative tasks, or helping physicians complete their duties.

    Software is implemented to help the facility run smoothly. By automating parts of a workers day, their time can be used more efficiently.

    The software might include databases, or automotive tasks for machines within the hospital. 

    Patient Management systems can have multiple benefits. They help to increase productivity within the hospital, as more time is freed up for patient care. Patients can see more of their physicians, rather than them being tied up with paperwork and admin tasks.

    Systems can also help improve communication at the hospital. Software can be deployed across an entire facility. This means that communication is homogenised, and all staff can remain connected. Ultimately, this results in a better patient experience, as important data can be transferred quickly and easily.

    Finally, automated hospital software can reduce the risk of human error. Physicians and other hospital staff are under a lot of pressure in their working days. Unfortunately, this can result in mistakes, particularly with more mundane tasks. For example, filling out patient paperwork can be challenging when dealing with multiple patients at the same time. 

    Software and management systems can help with the automation of this process. Therefore, patient data is kept up to date more frequently, and is more accurate as a result.

    Custom hospital software

    Top Applications of Software in Health Technology

    A lot of software systems are already in place in hospitals across the world. Therefore some of these applications might seem familiar. However, they are likely to continue to influence the face of the healthcare industry.

    Medical Database and Patient Electronic Records 

    Software can facilitate the building of a hospital-wide, or even country-wide, medical database. These databases can store the medical history of patients, and previous treatment records. Generally, in the US health providers need custom hospital software solutions to be able to fit their unique needs and market as well as to integrate with any legacy systems.

    Databases like this can be useful in the future treatment of patients. They save vital records, previous symptoms and effective treatments. These are used as a resource for physicians. This results in better treatment for other patients, and improved research into certain diseases.

    A medical database might also be used for the improvement of public health. For example, the treatment of COVID has relied on databases of information on the virus.

    ePrescriptions and Online Pharmacies

    The process of creating and receiving prescriptions can be quite challenging. Paper prescriptions can get lost, contain mistakes, or be interpreted incorrectly. 

    Patients often have to wait an extended period of time to receive their prescriptions and medication. Typically, paper documents aren’t transferable until formatted into an electronic version.

    ePrescriptions simplify the prescription process. They can be sent to any pharmacy across the country, if needed. They are accessible much quicker than a paper prescription. 

    As a result, patients can receive their treatment much quicker, with a more flexible system. This also helps to keep the patients’ treatment records up to date for future reference.

    ePrescriptions Technical Challenges

    While ePrescriptions are revolutionary for patients, on the back end the delivery of these systems is challenging. Firstly, there are compliance concerns and then there are some logistical challenges around payments. For example, how to process co-pays, what can and cannot be paid by an HSA and what are the correct percentages (if at all). Then finally there is the electronic transfer of the ePrescription.

    These challenges can be overcome but they underscore why off the shelf solutions don't work and you need custom hospital software and custom digital healthcare solutions.

    Electronic Health Records

    Health records are used to record the treatment of patients, and provide valuable information to physicians. Paper records are inaccessible, and can even get lost due to human error. 

    Electronic records are more easily accessible, and stored on a transferable database. This is most useful when patients change facilities, or travel elsewhere. 

    You cannot guarantee where you get sick or you might want to change medical practices. Electronic health records ensure that all treatment centers can access vital health information. Data transfer requests can be fulfilled in a matter of hours, rather than days (if at all).

    Electronic Health Records Technical Challenges

    However, given that different hospitals have different systems and patient consent must be given to make transfers, it means that electronic health records can be challenging from a technical perspective. In practice this means that even off the shelf solutions will need customization before they can be deployed.

    Appointment Scheduling

    Scheduling appointments can take up a huge portion of an admin workers day. Typically, they have many responsibilities on their workload. As a result, mistakes can be made or appointments are missed. However, the process itself is very simple. 

    Automated appointment scheduling takes a lot of pressure away from administrative workers. This is particularly valuable for patients that have regular visits. 

    Appointments can be scheduled immediately, or in advance. Therefore, patients know they are being taken care of, and admin has more time for other tasks. This process hasn’t yet been implemented universally, but has the potential to positively impact time management.


    The need for telemedicine increased with the COVID pandemic. As physicians could no longer see their patients in person without risk, another method was needed.

    Telemedicine provides facilities for video conferencing, instead of a physical appointment. Software provided a secure way for patients to see their physicians, and keep track of their care. Whilst this is not ideal for every ailment, it proved extremely effective for regular check-ups or minor problems.

    In the future, telemedicine can really help reduce the resources and time needed for regular appointments. A physician could see multiple patients in a shorter amount of time. Ultimately, using time efficiently is a priority for all healthcare professionals. Telemedicine could continue to improve time management in the healthcare sector.

    Real-Time Patient Data

    Real-time patient data is still a relatively novel innovation. However, developments in technology and the ability to transfer data has improved communication within hospitals. 

    In the future, real-time data could be the driving force of healthcare facilities. This software allows physicians to record and communicate important patient data, instantly. This allows them to keep an up-to-date record of a patients’ treatment, and their response. 

    As a result, action can be taken quickly when needed. Also, regular check-ups will be less necessary, as information is already readily available. This could change time management within hospitals, and improve patient safety.

    Custom hospital software

    Why Use Custom Hospital Software?

    Current software has already improved the healthcare sector. However, there are some limitations to a one-size-fits-all approach to software. Each facility has different requirements, and custom hospital software can help to fulfil their needs more accurately.

    Custom hospital software can be tailored to the facility. Patient needs are becoming more and more varied. Facilities that specialize aim to cater to their requirements are more common. 

    For example, mental health facilities specialize in the treatment of mental health disorders. As a result, patients get a better experience and treatment service. Chances are, this facility will have different software requirements to a facility that treats heart problems. 

    Also, different facilities will have different levels of intake. A general health hospital might need more efficient software. Whereas, mental health facilities might require more detailed processes.

    Due to the varied needs of patients, staff also have different requirements from their hospital system. Their needs can be taken into account when building custom hospital software. For instance, telemedicine might not be relevant to their work duties. 

    Finally, security is key to any healthcare system. Off the shelf hospital software might not provide the right security components for a facility. Compliance is key when dealing with protected health information. Depending on their requirements, custom hospital software should provide more tailored security measures.

    At Vertrical, we build compliant digital health software and applications. We understand the varied needs of our clients. Get in touch today to discuss the details of your next digital health development.



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